Voilà, nous partons aujourd’hui. L’avion est à 12h10. Nous faisons nos bagages et allons faire une dernière promenade dans le campus.
Mehmet, sa mère et Zulal viennent nous chercher à 10h40.
Dans le hall de réception de l’hôtel, Mehmet nous donne encore un cadeau : un « chapelet » de pierres d’Oltu. Mehmet nous a gâtés et, en bon Turc, pense que les invités doivent seulement recevoir des cadeaux, ne pas en donner. Bien sûr, nous ne sommes pas d’accord. Pour être sûr d’avoir le dernier mot, en toute amitié, nous donnons un cadeau à Zulal juste avant de partir à l’aéroport. Comme ça, Mehmet n’a pas une chance de réciproquer. C’est la surprise que j’ai achetée il y a deux jours et dont je vous avais parlé : une paire de patins à glace ! En parlant avec Zulal, j’avais appris qu’elle avait envie de commencer le patin à glace cet hiver mais n’avait pas de patins. Habilement et discrètement (!), en parlant de taille de chaussure, j’avais enregistré sa pointure. Et voilà. Je pense qu’elle est contente. Et elle peut les changer s’ils sont trop petits.
Nous partons pour l’aéroport. Route droite et plate. La plaine est un ancien marécage asséché donc extrêmement plate.
Le parking de l’aéroport est plein et quand nous entrons à l’intérieur, il est bondé, c’est noir de monde. Nous comprenons que ces gens ne sont pas des voyageurs mais attendent quelqu’un. Mehmet va se renseigner et nous apprend qu’un avion revenant de La Mecque est attendu. Les gens attendent des membres de leur famille revenant du pèlerinage de La Mecque. Toutes les femmes sont voilées, certaines complètement. Beaucoup d’enfants, certains viennent nous voir avec curiosité. Un jeune garçon s’adresse en anglais à la mère de Mehmet ! Elle répond surement qu’il ne s’adresse pas à la bonne personne. Il me dit alors : « Hello, how are you ? » puis « What is your name ? ». Je lui réponds et on se dit good bye. Nous allons prendre un thé tous les cinq et il est temps de se quitter.
Comment remercier Mehmet de tout ce qu’il a fait pour nous ? Nous avons l’impression de quitter de bons amis qui nous ont reçus comme des rois. Nous espérons que nous pourrons un jour leur rendre cette hospitalité. Mehmet et Zulal seront toujours les bienvenus chez nous.
Vol au dessus de montagnes enneigées, arrivée à Istanbul où nous avons chaud. Nous voyageons seulement avec un bagage de cabine (un gros bagage de cabine) et nous avons nos vêtements chauds sur nous pour avoir plus de place dans le sac. Autre vol d’Istanbul à Amsterdam sans histoire. Le voisin de Jens est un Anglais, « security guard » revenant de Bagdad où il travaille. Il regarde un film sur son ordinateur, un film de mercenaires, violence, torture et filles dénudées. Il pourrait peut-être regarder autre chose pour se changer les idées.
Dernier vol, Amsterdam-Bergen. La dame derrière moi n’est autre que l’ancienne institutrice de Kristin à l’école primaire !
Nous arrivons à Bergen à 22h30. Il ne pleut pas mais il a plu et il va pleuvoir. Il fait 10º, tard le soir, un 26 novembre !
Et voilà, encore un voyage (et un blog) qui se termine. Nous nous sommes fait de nouveaux amis, découvert un nouveau pays et sommes aussi contents de rentrer.
Pour ceux que cela intéresse, sachez qu’il y a 5000 mots français dans la langue turque. On peut aller (via Google) à « Mots turcs d’origine française » ou Mots français dans la langue turque »
Au revoir.
So we are leaving today. The plane is at 12:10. We pack our bags and take a walk through the campus for the last time.
Mehmet, his mother and Zulal come to pick us up at 10:40 am.
In the lobby of the hotel, Mehmet gives us another gift: a "string" of Oltu stones. Mehmet spoiled us, and as a good Turk, believes that guests should only receive gifts, not give them. Of course, we do not agree. To be sure that we have the last word, in friendly way, we give a gift to Zulal just before leaving to the airport. That way, Mehmet does not have a chance to reciprocate. This is the surprise that I bought two days ago, a pair of ice skates! Talking with Zulal, I learned that she wanted to start ice skating this winter but did not have skates. Skillfully and quietly (!), I learnt her shoe size by talking about shoes. And that's it. I think she's happy. And she can change them if they are too small.
We leave for the airport. Straight road and flat. The plain is a former swamp, dried and so extremely flat.
The airport car park is full and when we get inside, it is very crowded. We understand that these people are not travelers, but are waiting for someone. Mehmet asks and we learn that a plane returning from Mecca is expected. People expect familiy memeber returning from a pilgrimage to Mecca. All women are veiled, some completely. Many children are her, some come to look at us with curiosity. A young boy starts to say a few words in English to Mehmet’s mother ! She answers something meaning probably that she is is not the right person to speak English to. He then speaks to me. He says, 'Hello, how are you? "Then" What is your name? ". I answer and say good bye.
We have tea, the five of us and it's time to leave. Mehmet, his mother and Zulal come to pick us up at 10:40 am.
In the lobby of the hotel, Mehmet gives us another gift: a "string" of Oltu stones. Mehmet spoiled us, and as a good Turk, believes that guests should only receive gifts, not give them. Of course, we do not agree. To be sure that we have the last word, in friendly way, we give a gift to Zulal just before leaving to the airport. That way, Mehmet does not have a chance to reciprocate. This is the surprise that I bought two days ago, a pair of ice skates! Talking with Zulal, I learned that she wanted to start ice skating this winter but did not have skates. Skillfully and quietly (!), I learnt her shoe size by talking about shoes. And that's it. I think she's happy. And she can change them if they are too small.
We leave for the airport. Straight road and flat. The plain is a former swamp, dried and so extremely flat.
The airport car park is full and when we get inside, it is very crowded. We understand that these people are not travelers, but are waiting for someone. Mehmet asks and we learn that a plane returning from Mecca is expected. People expect familiy memeber returning from a pilgrimage to Mecca. All women are veiled, some completely. Many children are her, some come to look at us with curiosity. A young boy starts to say a few words in English to Mehmet’s mother ! She answers something meaning probably that she is is not the right person to speak English to. He then speaks to me. He says, 'Hello, how are you? "Then" What is your name? ". I answer and say good bye.
How to thank Mehmet for all he has done for us? We have the impression to leave good friends who treated us like royalty. We hope we can reciprocate their hospitality. Mehmet and Zulal are always welcome in our home.
Flight over snowy mountains, arrival in Istanbul where we are too warm.We travel only with hand luggage (a big hand luggage) and we are wearing our warm clothes because they take so much room in the bag. Another flight from Istanbul to Amsterdam without problem. Jens is sitting next to an Englishman, a "security guard" returning from Baghdad where he works. He is watching a film on his computer, a film of mercenaries, violence, torture and naked girls. Maybe it would be a good idea for him to watch something else to relax from work.
Last flight from Amsterdam to Bergen. The lady behind me is none other than Kristin’s former teacher in primary school!
We arrive in Bergen at 10:30 pm. It does not rain but it rained and it will rain. The temperature is 10 º, late at night, in late November!
And now, another trip (and a blog) is coming to its end. We made new friends, discovered a new country and are also happy to come home. For those interested, there are 5000 French words in Turkish. One can go (via Google) to ”Mots turcs d’origine Française” ou ”Mots français dans la langue Turque”.Goodbye.
Mehmet, Zulal, Jens et la mère de Mehmet
Mehmet, Zulal, Jens, Mehmet's mother
L'aéroport d' Erzurum
Erzurum airport
La foule
The crowd
La foule
The crowd
la foule
The crowd
A l'aéroport d'Erzurum aussi il y a des oiseaux
They are birds also in Erzurum airport
Vue prise de l'aéroport
View from the airport
Montagnes enneigées
Snowy mountains
Notre jardin
Our garden
La voiture en bas
Our car, down there
Home, sweet home
Cosmétique, parfumerie, photocopie, bijouterie